Welcome to SAWDF!
"Working to protect property rights and the Carrizo-Wilcox Aquifer"
We work closely with local landowners, well owners, and residents in Bastrop, Lee, Burleson and Milam counties, and we interact with their groundwater conservation districts and local governments. However, the support of all central Texans is critical to our ability to tackle issues that are important to all Texans--protection of our aquifers, our water wells, and our private property rights in groundwater.
To accomplish these goals, SAWDF also works with legislators, elected state and local officials, regional water planning groups, Groundwater Management Area 12, stakeholder groups, other groundwater conservation districts, community resources such as Texas Agri-Life Extension, and other community and state-wide organizations.
We also lend a helping hand to individual landowners who are looking for solutions in the legislative, administrative and judicial arenas to their vulnerability to serious impacts of large water projects. We do all of this with one part-time paid staff, and a lot of volunteerism!
We are in the process of updating our website
and your patience is appreciated!
And please, don't forget to read and comment on our NEWS blog -- sign up to subscribe and have our posts sent directly to your email.
SAWDF's "part-time" Executive Director Andy Wier works far more than part-time for all of us in Central Texas. We are proud to have him leading our team, and we are thankful for his dedication, energy, unfailing good humor, and skill-set ---not to mention his secret weapon, the homemade Beauty Berry Jalapeno and Texas Dewberry jelly he hands out when he visits the Capitol!
The Blog
Preview here our Action Alerts, Legislative News, Articles and Media of interest,
and links to other places
June 23, 2024January 8, 2024More PostsContact Us
Don't hesitate to reach out, and we will sign you up to receive our blog and email updates. You can also contact us at info@simsborowaterdefensefund.org
P.O. BOX 931
ELGIN, TEXAS 78621512-454-4779 (Please text or leave VM)AND, AS ALWAYS, WE NEED YOUR FINANCIAL SUPPORT TO CARRY OUT OUR WORK FOR YOU...Please donate and thank you in advance for your generous support.