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Word is out about our July 17 community meetings, please reserve your seat!

 We want to talk to you!



Editor's Note:

Our friends at Environmental Stewardship have detailed information on the LCRA permit here --- See the League of Independent Voters' notice of the SAWDF and Friends of Bastrop Water meetings below.

Dear [Water Warriors]:

We are passing on this notice about a VERY important meeting concerning the ongoing groundwater battles in central Texas. The meeting is to be held next Tuesday, July 17 at the Paige Community Center in Paige, Texas.

See flier here and please forward and share away!

The Lower Colorado River Authority (LCRA) is now engaged in a “mega-permit” demand for Simsboro water. See the flier for details and visit this webpage at Environmental Stewardship too. This affects us all in Bastrop and Lee counties and could be a tipping point in the so-called "water wars" in Central Texas.

If you want to attend any one of these sessions mentioned in the flier, please send an email to, or call 512.332.0252 with your name and address and which session you would like to attend. Please note that the organizers of this event are Friends of Bastrop Water and the Simsboro Aquifer Water Defense Fund. They will give priority to area residents and officials and will be filling the first two time slots (4:30 and 6:30) first. If there is overflow, they will hold a session at 8:30 pm.

Please do what you can to spread the word, including the opinion-editorials that are in this week's Giddings Times and this Saturday's Bastrop Advertiser.

Got questions? Again, email this address, or call 512.332.0252.

Thank you!

League of Independent Voters of Texas
PO Box 651 * Bastrop, TX 78602
512-213-4511 * 512-657-2089 cell