State Rep. John Cyrier supports WaterDefenders' position on DFC
Sends letter of support to Lost Pines GCD for Lee and Bastrop counties' resolutions requesting rejection of proposed DFC

District 17
August 30, 2021
Board of Directors
Lost Pines Groundwater Conservation District
908 Loop 230
Smithville, TX 78957
RE: GMA-12 Desired Future Conditions Vote
TO: Board of Directors, Lost Pines Groundwater Conservation District
I write to you today in regards to the upcoming vote on the Desired Future Conditions of the aquifers in Groundwater Management Area 12. As state representative for Lee and Bastrop Counties, I share your desire to protect the water supply in our district. Since being elected to the legislature I have enjoyed working with LPGCD in accomplishing that goal, and I greatly appreciate the investment and commitment the Board has demonstrated.
I have been informed that both the Lee and Bastrop County Commissioners Courts have submitted unanimous resolutions to LPGCD requesting a rejection of the proposed 2022 Desired Future Conditions and to maintain the current conditions. I share their concerns that the proposed DFCs are too aggressive, and will inhibit the conservation and protection of the local water supply. Therefore, 1 support the Commissioners Courts' resolutions and respectfully request the Board vote to continue the current plan.
Thank you for your commitment to our counties and attention to this matter. Please contact my ice should you have any questions.
John Cyrier
State Representative
Please let Rep. Cyrier know you appreciate his support. Go here to email your thanks.