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Meeting Notices for All Landowners Who Filed a Request for Contested Case for the LCRA Permit

Meetings of LCRA Permit Protestants are scheduled for Bastrop Public Library on October 20 and October 23 ~~ please read carefully to choose the meeting we would like you to attend! We will cover the same basics at both meetings. There are reasons to attend one meeting or the other -- but please try to make at least one.

The meetings are a very important part of preparing for the preliminary hearing that has not yet been scheduled.


512.333.0252 or

4:30, Oct. 20: If you filed a Request for Contested Case, but you don't have a well and don't have plans to drill one, you need to attend a meeting on October 20, 4:30 p.m., Bastrop Public Library Meeting Room, 1100 Church Street, TX 78602. [You may come on the 23rd if you can't be there on the 20th.]

6:30, Oct. 23: If you filed a Request for Contested Case and you DO have a well or plans to soon drill a well, please attend a different meeting on October 23, at 6:30 p.m., at the Bastrop Library. [You may come on the 20th if you can't be there on the 23rd.]

If you have a technical or scientific background or are interested in helping the team in a support role, consider joining the "Science Advisory Team" (SAT) that we are forming in collaboration with Environmental Stewardship. Please come early on October 23 at 4:30 for a meeting of SAT, and stay for the 6:30 meeting if you like --- you also will be able to, and are encouraged to volunteer for various other activities at either meeting.  

Go here for the checklist we need you to fill out and bring with you to a meeting or, preferably, email to us as soon as possible --- if you have a well, we especially need your well information ASAP.

In addition to about 100 landowners, Aqua Water Supply Corporation, the City of Elgin, water marketer End Op/Recharge, Pines and Prairies Land Trust, Environmental Stewardship, the Lost Pines Groundwater Conservation District, and LCRA are protesting the permit. To see filings with the District for some of these parties, go here and here.