April 15th -- in the Texas House.
We need you to please call your State Representative NOW!
You can usually leave message anytime. If that fails, you can send your Rep an email to First Name dot Last Name @house.texas.gov.
Urge your Rep to simply vote NO on HB 726 NOW!
This legislation can do permanent and serious harm to the future water supply of all Texans by facilitating the “California Water Model.” That is moving groundwater – the water underlying millions of Texas from our aquifers -- to areas without a nearby water supply.
Just remember to remind your legislator: Rural Texans do not want their water stripped from their land. Urban Texans do not want to pay for profiteering and speculation in water to fuel hyper-development – a driving force of urban unaffordability.
We expect the vote to come up on MONDAY, April 15th sometime after 11AM, but these votes are sometimes delayed, so do your call as soon as you can. Then ask friends, family and neighbors to do the same.
What to tell your legislators:
- Amend CSHB 726 as proposed by Rep. John Cyrier (pronounced SEER-E-AY).
- To stand up for the private property rights that ALL landowners have their groundwater; INCLUDING those who choose to keep our aquifers healthy and sustainable for all future Texans by not selling their groundwater!
- The State Water Plan already lays out less expensive, regional alternatives that are sustainable and protect Texas’ economic growth.
MORE POINTS TO MAKE, if you want to:
“Taking” other people’s groundwater without compensation; especially those who don’t sell their groundwater is wrong.
Groundwater mega-projects take water many miles beyond the boundaries of their well fields; taking water from neighboring domestic wells and the water flow in rivers & streams is wrong.
Stripping away local control over groundwater permitting, by automatically extending/renewing speculative permits that may leave our aquifers vulnerable to permanent damage is wrong.
Got questions? Call Jeannie at SAWDF at 512.333.0252 or send an email to Jeannie at: simsboro@fastmail.com.
Thank you, Texans!