The Internal Revenue Service notified SAWDF the week before Christmas – December 22 to be exact – that its 501(c)(3) certification has been granted. (No more IRS Grinch stories!)
This is good news for our 2016 donors because the certification relates back to June 17, 2016. If you have already contributed to SAWDF and are otherwise eligible, your contribution is 100% tax-deductible for your 2016 tax year - AND you have until December 31, 2016 to make a tax-deductible contribution if you are a calendar year taxpayer.
Please go to the DONATE button on our website (here at: www.simsborowaterdefensefund.org) for information on donating by check, credit card or PayPal. We will provide receipts for your records.
SAWDF greatly appreciates all who contribute to allowing us to pursue our mission of taking action to protect and conserve the Carrizo-Wilcox Aquifer in central Texas, as well as the rivers, streams and springs that are nurtured by it, and to defend the rights of those who live over the aquifer and who seek to leave a legacy of sustainable water resources for future Texans.
We look forward to an active 2017 in “Ground Zero” of the Central Texas water wars and your continued generosity will be put to good use!