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April 4 Hearing Updates!

            Both hearings (2PM and 6PM) will be in-person and virtual ~~ Attend in person if you can, we think it has more impact when the public shows up in support of our groundwater.

The agendas for the two hearings may be found here.  Our earlier blog recapped the LCRA and City of Bastrop applications.

Here are the virtual meeting instructions for BOTH hearings but we urge folks to join us and the Brown Landowners in-person, at least at the LCRA hearing. Hopefully we will see you at both hearings so the District knows we're out there

                                                     Bastrop Convention Center

1408 Chestnut Street

Bastrop, Texas 78602

LCRA Rehearing: 2:00 p.m., April 4, 2022

City of Bastrop Hearing: 6:00 p.m., April 4, 2022

Zoom Meeting Link for Both Meetings:

Meeting ID: 894 5368 5006

Passcode: 283972

Telephone conference:

Phone number: Dial +1 346 248 7799

Meeting ID: 894 5368 5006 # Passcode: 283972


We support the Board's decision to grant 8,000 AFY

In this case we definitely support the Lost Pines Board's previous decision to reduce LCRA's "ask". The Board issued a permit for 8,000 AFY instead of the 25,000 AFY that we believe would subject landowner wells to unreasonable impacts over time. Read our most recent filings here, along with other parties' and LCRA briefs for the April 4 rehearing. 

LCRA hearing limited to two hours

We understand the Board is eager to limit the LCRA hearing to two hours, 2-4 PM, to assure a break for themselves and the public between the two hearings (City of Bastrop, 6 PM). 

To that end, the parties to the formal contested case hearing will be offered a limited time to summarize arguments they recently offered the Board with respect to the Board's decision to grant LCRA's request for a "re-hearing" of the permit. See the link above to see those most recent filings. We expect to see counsel for the Brown Landowners either in person or virtually, to argue on our behalf.

Board is not bound by its earlier decision to give 8,000 AFY permit

A "re-hearing" is a gamble by LCRA, because all options are available to the Board: no permit, a reduced permit of 8.000 AFY or some other lesser or greater amount, or a full permit. So the "re-hearing" by the Board will be to determine reasons why they should or should not grant the full 25,000 AFY requested by LCRA and recommended by the SOAH Administrative Law Judges.

Environmental Stewardship commentary on Bastrop permit request.

 Our friends at Environmental Stewardship recently offered their comments on the City of Bastrop permit, and we recommend you read them at  

See you at La Chapala at 4:30

Last but not least, you might find some familiar faces and refreshments at La Chapala restaurant at 1800 Walnut St., Bastrop as soon as the LCRA hearing adjourns. It's about five minutes or less from the Bastrop Convention Center, next to Buccee's. You will have plenty of time to get back for the 6 PM Bastrop hearing. Fair warning, there will be some political talk about the HD-17 runoff, but SAWDF is not involved in the campaigns other than to hope whoever wins will have talked about issues that matter locally, like our groundwater!

Thank you for your support of our groundwater district's tough job of conserving and protecting our aquifers. Don't forget they are being sued by water marketers who didn't get what they wanted from the district. More about that later...